package com.sromku.simple.fb.entities; import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils; /** * @author sromku * @see */ public class Group { private static final String COVER = "cover"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String ICON = "icon"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String LINK = "link"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String OWNER = "owner"; private static final String PRIVACY = "privacy"; private static final String UPDATED_TIME = "updated_time"; private String mCover; private String mDescription; private String mIcon; private String mId; private String mLink; private String mName; private User mOwner; private GroupPrivacy mPrivacy; private Long mUpdatedTime; private Group(GraphObject graphObject) { // cover mCover = Utils.getPropertyInsideProperty(graphObject, COVER, "source"); // description mDescription = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, DESCRIPTION); // icon mIcon = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ICON); // id mId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ID); // link mLink = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, LINK); // name mName = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); // user mOwner = Utils.createUser(graphObject, OWNER); // privacy String privacy = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, PRIVACY); mPrivacy = GroupPrivacy.fromValue(privacy); // updated time mUpdatedTime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, UPDATED_TIME); } public static Group create(GraphObject graphObject) { return new Group(graphObject); } /** * The URL for the group's cover photo. */ public String getCover() { return mCover; } /** * A brief description of the group. */ public String getDescription() { return mDescription; } /** * The URL for the group's icon. */ public String getIcon() { return mIcon; } /** * The group Id. */ public String getId() { return mId; } /** * The URL for the group's website. */ public String getLink() { return mLink; } /** * The name of the group. */ public String getName() { return mName; } /** * The profile that created this group. */ public User getOwner() { return mOwner; } /** * The privacy setting of the group. */ public GroupPrivacy getPrivacy() { return mPrivacy; } /** * The last time the group was updated. */ public Long getUpdatedTime() { return mUpdatedTime; } public static enum GroupPrivacy { OPEN("OPEN"), CLOSED("CLOSED"), SECRET("SECRET"); private String value; private GroupPrivacy(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } public static GroupPrivacy fromValue(String value) { for (GroupPrivacy groupPrivacy : values()) { if (groupPrivacy.value.equals(value)) { return groupPrivacy; } } return null; } } }